Career Center of AzerbaIjan CooperatIon UnIversity

The Career Center of Azerbaijan Cooperation University was established by the order of the Rector No. 25 on February 19, 2019, in order to provide counseling services and guidance for students’ career planning and to prepare them for the world of work. Organizational and educational measures are implemented by the center in order to solve the employment problems of young people.

As a Career Center for young people, our main task is to prepare our students for professional work life, support their personal development, establish close cooperation with employers and constantly maintain healthy relations with our alumni.

Preparation for working life
Improving skills
Strengthening relations with the business world
Alumni relations
Career Coaching and Mentoring support
Creating a Career Profile of students Conducting
job interview stimulations
Providing assistance in preparing CVs, letters of recommendation and requests
Leadership, public speaking, stress management, communication skills, adaptation to the work environment, time management making, organization of workshops on corporate correspondence techniques

Download as PDF to view the regulations:

Regulations of the Career Center (DOWNLOAD)

Azerbaijan Cooperation University, II floor, room 201